Do you love God's presence, His heart and ways, and do you want to make a difference in the lives of others?

We invite you to join others and become a greater agent of change and a channel for heaven to impact earth afresh!

So many still consistently underestimate the incredible power and influence of fervent and effective prayer of ordinary believers and an extraordinary God!

Come join us for a focused prayer time each week:

M O N D A Y    E V E N I N G S
8:00 PM - 8:30 PM  (Online Prayer hosted by Derek Delmar)
**Please note the first Monday of every month will be  in-person.**

S U N D A Y    M O R N I N G S 
9:15 am - 9:45 am  (Pre-Service Prayer at Menno Simons Christian School)
Have a prayer request?  Feel free to let us know how we can pray for you.  If you would like to talk to someone, please email us.