Go therefore and make disciples of all nations
Matthew 28:19
Here at Life Connection Church we are passionate about the gospel of the Kingdom of God, impacting the lives of people anywhere where God calls us to go.
Local Missions
There are many ways that you can get involved in a very real and practical way as we express God's heart in our community and beyond through Mercy Ministries.
Providing meals for a family or individual, whether that be a family crisis, an illness, a new baby and so many other reasons;
Blessing familes and individuals in need at Christmas etc;
Serving families or individuals with our time, skills and abilities in and around their homes with various projects.
Our annual Christmas outreach,
LIGHT + HOPE, is a local outreach to those in our city.
On December 17, 2023 we served a Christmas meal to 70 refugees from different countries eg Egypt, Israel, Ukraine, Afghanistan, Syria, Columbia and Zambia.
As a church we partner with the Radiance Society
to serve women and children fleeing domestic violence and abuse.
We have adopted a suite and take resposibility to prepare
and provide necessary items
for women and children who make the centre home for a season.
We support and partner with various organizations in our city.
from collecting donations for organizations like the local FoodBank, Mustard Seed, DropIn Centre and many others. Once a quarter we prepare and serve a meal at the Ronald McDonal House for families with sick kids.
We support and partner with various organizations in our city.
from collecting donations for organizations like the local FoodBank, Mustard Seed, DropIn Centre and many others. Once a quarter we prepare and serve a meal at the Ronald McDonal House for families with sick kids.
International Missions
Sign up below to stay informed about any upcoming mission trips.

Ongoing Missions
Aside from going on International Mission Trips, we support and join missions through Church of the Nations
and the Freedomhill Cluster within COTN.
and the Freedomhill Cluster within COTN.
Join the mission
Sign up below to stay informed about any upcoming mission trips.