Meet Jesus
If you have never received Jesus into your life, then we would be honoured to introduce you to Him.

We are so excited that you have made the most significant and life changing decision of your life. If you are still unsure of your decision, then please feel free to email us and we'll be in touch to walk you through the door of salvation and into the wonderful Kingdom of our God.
As a new believer there are some important next steps that will help you on your journey. But first, why not tell someone. You've made one of the most important decisions in your life, celebrate it. Why not tell us too? We'd love to celebrate with you!
As a new believer it is essential that you are cared for and nurtured into healthy growth in God's Kingdom. We would love to introduce you to someone who will be able to walk with you in these early days and help you to be found surrounded by God, His Kingdom and His goodness in this season. Feel free to email us if you would like us to introduce you to someone who would be able to disciple you on the road ahead.
There are many good translations of the bible from the original languages into English. Feel free to use one that you can relate to. Here at Lifeconnection we teach and preach predominantly from the New King James version (NKJV).